Development of Web-Based Infection Prevention Education Program For Children, Parents and Teachers

어린이, 부모, 교사를 위한 웹기반 감염예방 교육프로그램 개발

  • Received : 2017.12.20
  • Accepted : 2018.03.09
  • Published : 2018.03.31


This study was conducted to develop and evaluate a web-based infection prevention education program for children, parents and teachers. Research for development of the web-based education program was completed in four phases (analysis, design, development, and evaluation) from 1 February 2015 to 5 October 2015, and the completed website was named CHILD4HEALTH ( Educational contents pertaining to infection prevention were composed of three sections, children, parents and teachers. Subjects were divided into nine categories, animation, children's dictionary, with mom, music, games, quizzes, educational contents for parents, educational contents for teachers, school newsletters, and handouts. Six characters were developed to increase interest and educational effect. Program evaluation items comprised the website, reliability, and satisfaction. Website evaluation by parents revealed that ease of use was $3.77{\pm}0.70$, entertainment value was $4.07{\pm}0.27$, childproof was $3.82{\pm}0.67$, education value was $4.02{\pm}0.75$, and design features were rated $3.65{\pm}0.53$. According to teachers, ease of use was $3.98{\pm}0.37$, entertainment value was $4.00{\pm}0.17$, childproof was $4.34{\pm}0.60$, education value was $4.00{\pm}0.20$, and design features were $3.81{\pm}0.56$. Parents scored reliability and satisfaction as $8.33{\pm}0.62$ and $7.80{\pm}0.77$, respectively, while they were scored as $8.50{\pm}0.73$ and $8.10{\pm}0.74$ by teachers. Based on the results of this study, the developed web-based education program will help prevent infectious disease and facilitate development of future education programs regarding such diseases.

본 연구의 목적은 아동의 감염예방 교육을 위하여 아동, 부모, 교사를 대상으로 웹기반 감염예방교육 프로그램을 개발하고 프로그램 평가를 확인하는 것이다. 웹기반 교육프로그램 개발에 대한 연구결과, 분석, 설계, 개발, 평가의 4 단계로 2015년 2월 1일에 시작하여 2015년 10월 5일에 웹기반 프로그램이 완성되었다. 완성된 웹사이트는 CHILD4HEALTH라고 명명하였다. 감염예방을 위한 교육 콘텐츠는 아동, 부모, 교사의 3 영역으로 구성된다. 대상에 따른 9개의 카테고리는 애니메이션, 어린이 사전, 엄마와 함께, 노래, 퀴즈, 게임, 부모를 위한 교육내용, 교사를 위한 교육내용, 가정통신문이다. 흥미와 교육적 효과를 위해 6개의 캐릭터가 개발되었다. 웹기반 교육프로그램 평가에 대한 연구결과는 웹사이트, 신뢰도, 만족도로 제시된다. 웹사이트 평가결과, 부모들은 사용 용이성 $3.77{\pm}0.70$, 흥미성 $4.07{\pm}0.27$, 유아 적합성 $3.82{\pm}0.67$, 교육적 가치 $4.02{\pm}0.75$, 디자인 특성을 $3.65{\pm}0.53$점으로 평가하였다. 교사들은 사용 용이성 $3.98{\pm}0.37$, 흥미성 $4.00{\pm}0.17$, 유아 적합성 $4.34{\pm}0.60$, 교육적 가치 $4.25{\pm}0.43$, 디자인 특성을 $3.81{\pm}0.56$점으로 평가하였다. 신뢰도 평가는 부모 $8.33{\pm}0.62$, 교사 $8.50{\pm}0.73$, 만족도 평가는 부모 $7.80{\pm}0.77$, 교사 $8.10{\pm}0.74$이었다. 향후 감염병 예방을 위한 교육에 본 연구에서 개발된 교육프로그램이 도움이 될 것이다.



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