Tinkering with Number Lines

  • Received : 2018.11.21
  • Accepted : 2018.12.09
  • Published : 2018.12.31


While the utility of the number line is considerable, articulating its conceptual foundation is often neglected in school mathematics. We suggest that it is important to build up strong conceptual foundations in the earlier grades so that number lines can be used in a more meaningful way and that any misconceptions associated with the number line can be prevented or intervened. This paper addresses unit, direction, and origin as the key elements of number lines and presents activities from Davydov's curriculum for early grades that promote exploration of those key elements and may resolve some students' misconceptions. As shown in sample activities from Davydov's curriculum, this paper suggests that students can broaden their perspectives on the number line and use it versatilely in various areas of mathematics learning when they deeply engage in the construction of a number line and have flexibility in interpreting the relationships between key number line elements.


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Figure 1. An example of a structured number line

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Figure 2. The number line for the natural numbers (Tapia et al. as cited in Herbst, 1997)

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Figure 3. Example of incorrect identification of the unit

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Figure 4. Example of unjustifiable identification of the unit and direction

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Figure 5. A number line for sorting even and odd numbers

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Figure 6. A curved number line showing that 24 rounded to the nearest ten is 20

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Figure 7. Coin lines

Table 1. Examples of misconceptions

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Activity 1. Place the given numbers on the number line.

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Activity 2. Mark the direction and the beginning on the number line

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Activity 3. Place the given numbers on the number line.

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