Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture (한국식생활문화학회지)
- Volume 33 Issue 6
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- Pages.597-607
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- 2018
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- 1225-7060(pISSN)
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- 2288-7148(eISSN)
Nutrient Components and Physicochemical Properties of Korean Sweet Potato according to Cultivars
국내산 고구마 품종에 따른 영양성분 및 이화학적 특성
- Ra, Ha-Na (Department of Fermentation Processed Foods, National Institute of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration) ;
Kim, Jin-Sook
(Department of Fermentation Processed Foods, National Institute of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration) ;
Kim, Gi-Chang
(Department of Fermentation Processed Foods, National Institute of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration) ;
Choi, Song-Yi
(Department of Fermentation Processed Foods, National Institute of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration) ;
- Han, Seon-Kyeong (Rural Development Administration) ;
Chung, Mi-Nam
(Rural Development Administration) ;
- Kim, Kyung-Mi (Department of Fermentation Processed Foods, National Institute of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration)
- 라하나 (농촌진흥청국립농업과학원농식품자원부) ;
(농촌진흥청국립농업과학원농식품자원부) ;
(농촌진흥청국립농업과학원농식품자원부) ;
(농촌진흥청국립농업과학원농식품자원부) ;
- 한선경 (농촌진흥청) ;
(농촌진흥청) ;
- 김경미 (농촌진흥청국립농업과학원농식품자원부)
- Received : 2018.11.28
- Accepted : 2018.12.14
- Published : 2018.12.31
This study examined the nutrient components and measured the physicochemical properties of 23 Korean sweet potato cultivars. The proximate composition, free sugars, organic acids, and dietary fiber of sweet potato were analyzed and the water binding capacity, oil absorption and pasting characteristics were measured. The proximate composition was the highest in Happymi and was higher in colored sweet potato than in general sweet potato (p<0.05). The sucrose content was the highest among the free sugars in the general cultivars and yellow/orange colored cultivar. The major organic acids were oxalic acid, citric acid, malic acid, succinic acid, fumaric acid, and acetic acid. Oxalic acid and citric acid were high in the purple colored cultivars and malic acid was high in yellow/orange colored cultivars. Each total dietary fiber content of the general and colored cultivars was 7.51-13.94 and 13.04-16.97%, respectively, but there was no significant difference. The water binding capacity and oil absorption of Juhwangmi was high in all cultivars (p<0.05). The peak viscosity of sweet potato powder showed highest a significant difference of 12.50-1342 cP (p<0.05). The breakdown of Sincheonmi was 512, which was the highest value (p<0.05). The setback of Geonpungmi was significantly low, 6.0 (p<0.05).