The Effects of Residential Satisfaction on the Quality of Life of Aging people: Comparison between the Elderly Living in the Community and the Elderly Living in Senior Housings

  • 투고 : 2018.10.18
  • 심사 : 2018.11.05
  • 발행 : 2018.12.31


The purpose of this study was to analyze the direct and indirect effects of residential satisfaction on the quality of life and to analyze the difference according to the residence type. The subjects of this study were 422 elderly people aged 65 or older residing in two metropolitan municipalities. The data were analyzed by using structural equation model by multi-group analysis. The results showed that the degree of satisfaction with the residential environment indirectly affected not only the quality of life of the elderly but also social participation activities. As a result of verifying the difference of the residential satisfaction and quality of life path according to the residence type, there was a difference in the route between groups according to the type of residence. This study is significant in that the elderly who have not been interested in the elderly housing policy have been investigated and the relationship between the residential satisfaction and quality of life of the elderly by residence type has been investigated .


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Figure 1. Structural model verification

Table1 . Characteristics of subjects

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Table 2. Effect decomposition

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Table 3. Results of Path constraint

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Table 4. Path coefficients by residence type

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