Novel Buck Mode Three-Level Direct AC Converter with a High Frequency Link

  • Li, Lei (School of Automation, Nanjing University of Science and Technology) ;
  • Guan, Yue (School of Automation, Nanjing University of Science and Technology) ;
  • Gong, Kunshan (School of Automation, Nanjing University of Science and Technology) ;
  • Li, Guangqiang (School of Automation, Nanjing University of Science and Technology) ;
  • Guo, Jian (School of Automation, Nanjing University of Science and Technology)
  • 투고 : 2017.05.11
  • 심사 : 2017.09.30
  • 발행 : 2018.03.20


A novel family of Buck mode three-level direct ac converters with a high frequency link is proposed. These converters can transfer an unsteady high ac voltage with distortion into a regulated sinusoidal voltage with a low THD at the same frequency. The circuit configuration is constituted of a three-level converter, high frequency transformer, cycloconverter, as well as input and output filters. The topological family includes forward, push-pull, half-bridge, and full-bridge modes. In order to achieve a reliable three-level ac-ac conversion, and to overcome the surge voltage and surge current of the cycloconverter, a phase-shifted control strategy is introduced in this paper. A prototype is presented with experimental results to demonstrate that the proposed converters have five advantages including high frequency electrical isolation, lower voltage stress of the power switches, bi-directional power flow, low THD of the output voltage, and a higher input power factor.


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Fig. 1. Circuit diagrams for the proposed topological family. (a) Forward mode. (b) Interleaving forward mode. (c) Push-pull full-wavemode. (d) Push-pull full-bridge mode. (e) Half-bridge full-wave mode. (f) Half-bridge full-bridge mode. (g) Full-bridge full-wavemode. (h) Full-bridge full-bridge mode.

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Fig. 2. Principal waveforms within one switching period Ts.

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Fig. 3. Twelve switching modes in the CCM during one switching period Ts. (a) [t1- t2]. (b) [t2- t3]. (c) [t3- t4]. (d) [t4- t5].(e) [t5- t6]. (f) [t6- t7]. (g) [t7- t8]. (h) [t8- t9]. (i) [t9- t10]. (j) [t10- t11]. (k) [t11- t12]. (l) [t12- t13].

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Fig. 4. Equivalent circuits in the CCM during one Ts. (a) State 1.(b) State 2.

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Fig. 5. Designed and developed prototype.

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Fig. 6. Principle test waveforms of the proposed converter. (a) CH2: uN1 (200V/div); CH1: iN1 (10A/div); t(5ms/div). (b) CH2: uN1(196V/div); CH1: iN1 (9.8A/div); t(20μs/div). (c) CH2: uAB (200V/div); CH1: iLf (10A/div); t(10ms/div). (d) CH2: uAB (146V/div);CH1: iLf (1.46A/div); t(18μs/div). (e) CH1: trigger voltage ugs1a of the power switch S1a (20V/div); CH2: voltage uds1a across S1a(200V/div); t(5ms/div). (f) CH1: trigger voltage ugs5b of the power switch S5b(20V/div); CH2: voltage uds5b across S5b (200V/div);t(10μs/div). (g) CH1: input voltage ui (200V/div); CH2: reference voltage uref (5V/div); t(5ms/div). (h) CH1: uo at a resistive load(100V/div); CH2: io at a resistive load (5A/div); t(10ms/div). (i) CH1: io at a RL load (5A/div); CH2: uo at a RL load (100V/div);t(10ms/div). (j) CH1: io at a RC load (2A/div); CH2: uo at a RC load (100V/div); t(10ms/div).

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Fig. 7. Conversion efficiency and line power factor versus theload at different input voltages. (a) Conversion efficiency ηversus output power Po at different input voltages ui. (b) Linepower factor cosφi versus output power Po at different inputvoltages ui.


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