FTA 국내보완대책의 평가와 과제: 농·축산업분야를 중심으로

Evaluation and Tasks of FTA Domestic Supplementary Measures in the Area of Agriculture and Livestock Industry

  • 이병문 (숭실대학교 글로벌통상학과) ;
  • 정희진 (한신대학교 국제경제학과)
  • 투고 : 2018.01.30
  • 심사 : 2018.02.21
  • 발행 : 2018.02.28


This study closely examines domestic supplementary measures implemented for Free Trade Agreements (FTA) concerning the agriculture and livestock industry and finds out their problems and put forward improvement measures in terms of their system and contents. The systematic problems with previously established supplementary measures are as follows. First, the existing short and long term measures does not comply with each FTA's special and unique economical, political and legislative purpose. Secondly, they focus on improvements for individual FTAs. They must be holistic and integrative considering all FTAs, thus producing synergy to reach better policy overall. Lastly, FTA policies and the measures must reflect the expanding size and scope of regional economic integration. Problems or concerns in existing supplementary measures include first, flexible financing. The government hands out loans to players in the industry based on assets but these loans must be flexible to market interest changes and must include reduced mortgage rate options. Secondly, rigid standards that trigger direct loss prevention, establishing maximum and minimum loan limits, and developing a comprehensive standard for identifying crops to support are all problems that need to be addressed. Thirdly, education of next and future agricultural generation is paramount in building a competitive workforce. Fourthly, the government must identify industries lacking in performance or short in supply to cease or reducing funding. Last but not least, the government should actively search for new markets for export and produce long term road maps for export growth.



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