A Study on the Relationship among the MBTI Personality Types, Self-Efficacy, Major Satisfaction and Freshmen's Academic Achievements in Airline Service department

  • Kim, Mun-Kyung (Dept of Airline Service, Kwangju Women's University)
  • Received : 2018.10.26
  • Accepted : 2018.11.21
  • Published : 2018.12.31


The purpose of this paper was to identify the relationship among the MBTI personality types, self-efficacy, major satisfaction and freshmen's academic achievements in airline service department. To this end, a survey was conducted in 113 university freshmen of airline service department from June 18 to 29, 2018. And the data were collected their MBTI results and GPA scores. MBTI results used to analyze student's personality type. The collected data were analyzed using 'SPSS Statistics 21.0'. Analysis methods such as frequency analysis, cross-tabulation analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, t-test, ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis were used. The findings of this study are as follows. The type of personality in the airline service department affects the self - efficacy such as self - control efficacy, confidence, preference of the task difficulty, and also affects the major satisfaction and the academic achievement. The self - efficacy affects the major satisfaction and the academic achievement, and also the major satisfaction can affect academic achievement. Therefore, by developing an effective teaching strategies that fits students' personality type characteristics, and by inducing motivation to learn, raising self-efficacy naturally will lead to higher major satisfaction and academic achievements.


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Fig. 1. The 4 types of MBTI Preference

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Fig. 2. The 16 types of MBTI

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Fig. 3. Research Model

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Fig. 4. Frequency Analysis of Korean’s 4 types of MBTI

Table 1. The 4 types of MBTI Temperament

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Table 2. Frequency Analysis of the 4 types of MBTI Preference

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Table 3. Frequency Analysis of the 4 types of MBTI Temperament

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Table 4. Frequency Analysis of the 4 types of MBTI

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Table 5. Self-efficacy t-test

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Table 6. Major-Satisfaction t-test

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Table 7. Academic Achievement(GPA) t-test

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Table 8. Test of hypothesis (H1)

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Table 9. Test of hypothesis (H2)

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Table 10. Test of hypothesis (H3)

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Table 11. Test of hypothesis (H4)

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Table 12. Test of hypothesis (H5)

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Table 13. Test of hypothesis (H6)

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