고전압 전극 두께와 집진판 간격에 따른 전기집진기의 미세먼지 집진효율 및 오존발생 특성

Characteristics of particulate matter collection efficiency and ozone emission rate of an electrostatic precipitator by thickness of high-voltage electrode and distance of collection plates

  • 이재인 (한국과학기술연구원 환경복지연구단) ;
  • 우상희 (한국과학기술연구원 환경복지연구단) ;
  • 김종범 (한국과학기술연구원 환경복지연구단) ;
  • 이승복 (한국과학기술연구원 환경복지연구단) ;
  • 배귀남 (한국과학기술연구원 미세먼지사업단)
  • Lee, Jae-In (Center for Environment, Health and Welfare Research, Korea Institute of Science and Technology) ;
  • Woo, Sang-Hee (Center for Environment, Health and Welfare Research, Korea Institute of Science and Technology) ;
  • Kim, Jong Bum (Center for Environment, Health and Welfare Research, Korea Institute of Science and Technology) ;
  • Lee, Seung-Bok (Center for Environment, Health and Welfare Research, Korea Institute of Science and Technology) ;
  • Bae, Gwi-Nam (Center for Particulate Air Pollution and Health, Korea Institute of Science and Technology)
  • 투고 : 2018.11.22
  • 심사 : 2018.12.27
  • 발행 : 2018.12.31


To optimize the shape of the electrostatic precipitator for the removal of particulate matter in subway environments, the wind-tunnel experiments were carried out to characterize collection efficiency and ozone emission rate. As a standardized parameter, power consumption divided by the square of flow velocity, was increased, the $PM_{10}$ collection efficiency increased. If the standardized parameter is higher than 1.0 due to high power consumption or low flow velocity, increase in thickness of electrodes from 1 to 2 mm, or increase in distance of collection plates from 5 to 10 cm did not change the $PM_{10}$ collection efficiency much. Increase in thickness of high-voltage electrodes, however, can cause decrease in $PM_{10}$ collection efficiency by 28% for low power consumption and high flow velocity. The ozone emission rate decreased as distance of collection plates became wider, because the ozone emission rate per unit channel was constant, and the number of collection channels decreased as the distance of collection plates increased. When the distance of collection plates was narrow, the ozone emission rate increased with the increase of the thickness of electrodes, but the difference was negligible when the distance of collection plates was wide. It was found that the electrostatic precipitator having a thin high-voltage electrodes and a narrow distance of collection plates is advantageous. However, to increase the thickness of high-voltage electrodes, or to increase the distance of collection plates is needed, it is necessary to increase the applied voltage or reduce the flow rate to compensate reduction of the collection efficiency.


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Fig. 1. Experimental setup of a lab-scale wind tunnel for measuring particle collection efficiency of ESP (A) Side-view of wind tunnel system, (B) Top-view of ESP with collection plate distance of 5 cm, (C) Top-view of ESP with collection plate distance of 10 cm, (D) Electrode of saw-type.

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Fig. 2. Size distribution of particle mass concentration measured at (a) vertical and (b) horizontal locations of the wind tunnel and (c) upstream and downstream of the ESP.

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Fig. 3. Current-voltage curves of the electrostatic precipitator by thickness of electrode and distance of collection plates.

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Fig. 4. Particle collection efficiency of the electrostatic precipitator with a high-voltage electrode of 2 mm in thickness with particle diameter for case of 5 cm distance with (a) constant flow velocity or (b) constant applied voltage, and 10 cm distance with (c) constant flow velocity or (d) constant applied voltage.

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Fig. 5. Change in PM10 collection efficiency of the electrostatic precipitator by thickness of electrodes and distance of collection plates (a) 5 cm, (b) 10 cm.

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Fig. 6. PM10 collection efficiency with normalized power consumption with flow velocity by thickness of electrodes and distance of collection plates.

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Fig. 7. Ozone emission rate from the electrostatic precipitator with power consumption by thickness of electrodes and distance of collection plates.

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Fig. 8. Ozone emission rate per channel from the electrostatic precipitator with electric field strength by thickness of electrodes and distance of collection plates.


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