진술선호방법을 이용한 공공 데이터의 가치 평가: 농업토양정보 데이터베이스 사례

Valuation of Public Data Using Stated Preference Method: The Case of Agriculture Soil Database

  • 이상호 (영남대학교 식품경제외식학과) ;
  • 하성호 (경북대학교 경영학부) ;
  • 정기호 (경북대학교 경제통상학부)
  • 투고 : 2018.11.13
  • 심사 : 2018.12.24
  • 발행 : 2018.12.31


Purpose As Korean economy has been sluggish in recent years, firms' interest in publicly financed projects has increased due to the relatively increasing proportion in the economy. Since 1999, publicly financed projects in Korea need to undergo preliminary feasibility study to evaluate economic efficiency and policy quality if they are larger than a certain scale. The benefits of public projects are one of the most important factors in the preliminary feasibility study but are difficult to estimate due to their nature. Design/methodology/approach This study estimates the benefits of the agricultural soil information database, a public database in Korea. The method used in the study is the stated preference method which is formally used in Korea's preliminary feasibility study. Data are collected through surveys and a logit model is constructed to be estimated by the maximum likelihood estimation method. Findings As the first study evaluating a public database, this study can be used as a baseline in all public database projects developed in the future. In addition, this study can contribute to improving the understanding of both private companies and public organizations who are interested in the cost-benefit analysis and estimation procedure for the publicly financed projects.


<표 1> 응답자들의 연령별 분포

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<표 2> 응답자들의 성별 분포

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<표 3> 응답자의 학력 수준

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<표 4> ‘흙토람’의 중요성

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<표 5> 최우추정법 1차 추정 결과

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<표 6> 최우추정법 2차 추정 결과

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<표 7> 최종 추정 결과

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<표 8> 흙토람의 편익 추정

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<표 9> 흙토람 편익에 대한 구간 추정

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