Analysis of Cu in Mezcal Commercial Samples using Square Wave Anodic Stripping Voltammetry

  • Salinas, Gerardo (Centro Conjunto de Investigacion en Quimica Sustentable UAEM-UNAM) ;
  • Ibanez, Jorge G. (Depto. Ing. y C. Quimicas. Universidad Iberoamericana) ;
  • Vasquez-Medrano, Ruben (Depto. Ing. y C. Quimicas. Universidad Iberoamericana) ;
  • Frontana-Uribe, Bernardo A. (Centro Conjunto de Investigacion en Quimica Sustentable UAEM-UNAM)
  • Received : 2018.06.20
  • Accepted : 2018.07.18
  • Published : 2018.12.31


High concentration of copper in mezcal, a representative Mexican spirituous alcoholic beverage, is a serious problem due to the damage that it may cause to human health. A cyclic voltammetry and square wave anodic stripping voltammetry study of copper (II) in three commercial mezcal samples based on glassy carbon electrode response was undertaken. The analysis was developed using a simulated matrix solution ($EtOH/H_2O$ (1:1), 0.1 M $LiClO_4$ and AcOH/AcONa 0.05 M/0.008 M), with Cu (II) concentrations in the range 0 - 1 ppm. Direct electrochemical analysis of mezcal samples was complicated by the presence of different organic compounds in the matrix. The analytical signal of Cu (II) in the spirituous was notably improved and the interferences caused by organic compounds were minimized, by diluting the mezcal samples 10% with $EtOH/H_2O$ (1:1) solution. An efficient quantification of Cu (II) was obtained from the calibration curve by the SWASV and using the internal standard method (Cd (II)) in commercial samples (1.2-6.7 ppm); the results were correlated satisfactorily with the values obtained by AAS.



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