Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the soil-water-air layer, soil profile and soil moisture accounting.
Fig. 2. Application area, St. Helena watershed, Napa County, California.
Fig. 3. Multi/Radar Multi/Sensor data, (a) Northern California MRMS precipitation, and (b) MRMS precipitation field for St. Helena Napa basin, CA.
Fig. 4. Multiple pulse hydrograph illustrating inter-event time duration (IETD) and S definition.
Fig. 5. Process to separate a multiple hydrographs into single hydrograph.
Fig. 6. Results of hydrograph separation.
Fig. 7. Initial SCS-CN map and the corresponding values of potential maximum retention (S), (a) Runoff curve number, (b) Potential maximum retention.
Fig. 8. Potential maximum soil moisture retention.
Table 1. Fraction (%) of Area Depending on the Land-use and Hydrologic Soil Group, and Min/Max SCS-CN Depending on the NRCS Cover Types.
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