Fig. 1. Photograph of topodrone-100 (a) Plan view (b) Front view
Fig. 2. Photograph of land creeping damaged area
Fig. 3. Scene of UAV takeoff in survey area
Fig. 4. Aerial photographs (a) and topographical data (b) acquired by UAV in 2016
Fig. 5. Air photographs (a) and topographical data (b) acquired by airphoto in 2014
Fig. 6. Results of detection for land creeping area (a), (b), (c) enlarged photo. Yellow B ' is a picture taken with a camera in the field
Fig. 7. Photograph of field survey
Fig. 8. Results of extracting land creeping area (a) location information for crack, ridge, and external force direction (b) profile graph for A-A'
Fig. 9. Results of spatial analysis
Table 1. Specification of topodrone-100
Table 2. Results of quantitative analysis about crack
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