A study of the Investigation Offices' Planning Standard and Criteria of the Police Station - By Analyzing the Actual Situation Survey of the Prototypes -

경찰서 수사부서 표준설계 공간모형과 지침 연구 - 환경개선 시범사례 실태조사를 중심으로 -

  • Received : 2018.01.03
  • Accepted : 2018.02.27
  • Published : 2018.02.28


In response to the development of IT technology in the 21st century and the advancement of the public human rights consciousness, it has become necessary to continuously evolve the office environments to support the changes of organizational structure and work methods of the police investigation departments. As a facility standard, continuous researches on standardized design space models and guidelines of the police investigation departments are needed. In respond to the organizational changes for the convenience of the working police investigators and the protection of the human rights of the visiting public, the environmental improvement projects for the office of the investigation department of the police stations are going on since 2014. In this study, analyzation and verification of the 3 cases of pilot projects for the improvement of police investigation departments would be done, based on the policy research project in 2014: 'the standard design direction of police officers for the protection of human rights and benefit of police investigation process.' The purpose of this study is, first of all, the actual situation survey for presenting the standard design space model and guidelines of investigation department of the police department. Secondly, the validation of the spatial model adequacy for for the past 3 years' case study of the police investigation department's environmental improvements by the application of standardized design space models and guidelines. The result of this study would be to enable the more effective police department investigation environment improvement policy by presenting the standard design space models and guidelines of the investigation departments of the police facilities.



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