김광수 건축디자인의 전복적 전유 표현특성

Expressive Characteristics of Subversive Appropriation in Kim kwang soo's Architectural Design

  • 박영태 (동양미래대학교 실내환경디자인과)
  • 투고 : 2018.01.31
  • 심사 : 2018.02.23
  • 발행 : 2018.02.28


This study is based on the way Kim Kwang Soo works, which reveals a strong expressive tone that is rare in Korean architecture. His work is not decorative and symbolic representation of the intention of positive amusement. Therefore, the following noteworthy points will arise. The various phenomena associated with architecture and society are researched and analyzed in a critical manner. So, it creates and expresses its own formal logic. In this study, the theory of the subversive appropriation theory was identified by using the expressive characteristics of engagement. The study was based on a conceptual framework for the overturning of the mimesis, which Benjamin and Adorno have described. From this, this study summarizes Kim Kwang Soo's nihilistic attitude, finding boundaries and crack points, and subversive expression as a new form of architectural formal logic as main characteristics of interpretation of works. The characteristics of subversive expression of Kim Kwang Soo architecture derived from this are as follows. It does not take an ideological approach to the dismantling of the internalization of traditional Korean architecture. Popular culture and social phenomena are used as materials for expression. These are structured sensibly with appropriated formal logic. Finally, the architectural position adhered to the limit of performativity was recognized as the dimension of new meaning generation.



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