PSO-Based Nonlinear PI-type Controller Design for Boost Converter

  • Seo, Sang-Wha (Div. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Dongguk Univ.-Seoul) ;
  • Kim, Yong (Div. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Dongguk Univ.-Seoul) ;
  • Choi, Han Ho (Div. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Dongguk Univ.-Seoul)
  • Received : 2016.11.22
  • Accepted : 2017.09.01
  • Published : 2018.01.01


This paper designs a nonlinear PI-type controller for the robust control of a boost DC-DC converter using a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. Based on the common knowledge that the transient responses can be improved if the P and I gains increase when the transient error is big, a nonlinear PI-type control design method is developed. A design procedure to autotune the nonlinear P and I gains is given based on a PSO algorithm. The proposed nonlinear PI-type controller is implemented in real time on a Texas Instruments TMS320F28335 floating-point DSP. Simulation and experimental results are given to demonstrate the effectiveness and practicality of the proposed method.


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Fig. 1. Renewable energy system with integrated DC-DCboost converter

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Fig. 2. Closed-loop boost converter control system

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Fig. 3. Block diagram of the nonlinear PI-type controller

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Fig. 4. PSO algorithm to autotune the nonlinear PI-typecontroller

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Fig. 5. Simulation results with the proposed method underC1

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Fig. 6. Simulation results with the proposed method underC2

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Fig. 7. Simulation results with the conventional methodunder C1

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Fig. 8. Simulation results with the conventional methodunder C2

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Fig. 9. Experimental test setup

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Fig. 10. Experimental results with the proposed methodunder C1

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Fig. 11. Experimental results with the proposed methodunder C2

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Fig. 12. Experimental results with the conventional methodunder C1

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Fig. 13. Experimental results with the conventional methodunder C2

Table 1. Numerical comparison between conventional controller and proposed controller.

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