A Study on Furniture Market of South Korea in New Normal - Focus on Economic Perspectives -

뉴 노멀시대 한국의 가구 시장 연구 - 경제적 관점을 중심으로 -

  • Jung, Jaenah (Department of Living Product Design, Yeungnam University)
  • 정재나 (영남대학교 생활제품디자인학과)
  • Received : 2017.12.05
  • Accepted : 2018.01.24
  • Published : 2018.01.25


Economic crisis in 2008 has changed South Korean market including furniture related field. Owing to Subprime Mortgage Crisis, new economic order, in other words, New Normal was established. Low growth rate, low interest, high unemployment rate, high risks, regulation strengthening, and all that sort of negative things have became generalized. South Korean economy has developed drastically since the Korean War, however recent economic crisis and Internet and smart phone have leading roles in shaping new consumption market. In a way, furniture market has expanded despite economic recession. Total service for housing is suited to South Korean consumers and shortened Product Life Cycle induces consumers to buy more furniture. In addition, Internet and smart phone allow people to show off their private spaces to unspecified masses. As a result, consumer prefers inexpensive and expendable furniture. It is certain that furniture market makes quantitative growth, but qualitative sides are questionable. Even though the study is focused on the existent circumstances, It will help to find out the proper ways of future furniture market in South Korea.



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