Consensus of Leader-Follower Multi-Vehicle System

  • Received : 2016.02.23
  • Accepted : 2017.07.18
  • Published : 2017.09.30


According to the characteristics of salvo attack for the multiple flight vehicles (MFV), the design of cooperative guidance law can be converted into the consensus problem of multi-vehicle system through the concept of multi-agent cooperative control. The flight vehicles can be divided into leader and followers depending on different functions, and the flight conditions of leader are independent of the ones of followers. The consensus problem of leader-follower multi-vehicle system is researched by graph theory, and the consensus protocol is also presented. Meanwhile, the finite time guidance law is designed for the flight vehicles via the finite time control method, and the system stability is also analyzed. Whereby, the guidance law can guarantee the line of sight (LOS) angular rates converge to zero in finite time, and hence the cooperative attack of the MFV can be realized. The effectiveness of the designed cooperative guidance method is validated through the simulation with a stationary target and a moving target, respectively.



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