Some Issues of the Border Adjustment Measures on Trade and Environment - with a special reference to the Border Carbon Tax -

무역과 환경에 관한 국경조치의 주요 논점 - 국경탄소세를 중심으로 -

  • 홍성규 (한국교통대학교 국제통상학과) ;
  • 김용일 (한국교통대학교 국제통상학과)
  • Received : 2017.04.29
  • Accepted : 2017.05.14
  • Published : 2017.05.30


Environment protection is one of the important political goals along with trade liberalization. Some of the institutions associated with it, however, either hinder trade or exert distorted influence and can arouse trade conflicts eventually. Therefore, harmony between environment protection and trade policy is becoming a crucial issue nowadays. Among the policies for environment, those related to climatic change are regarded as major tasks to deal with in the world commonly. Saying that it is for environment protection, advanced countries impose fines for environment protection on developing countries through border tax adjustments about the items imported from them. However, there is no such agreement about it internationally, so disputes often arise regarding what extent is appropriate as countries cope with it differently in their own way. Disputes about measures for climatic change are highly influential economically, and due to the severe conflicts of interests between states, they often tend to become politicized. Accordingly, we can say that such disputes affect international trade based on the WTO system seriously. When it comes to negotiation for climatic change, we should establish international systems urgently which can work fairly and effectively for all the countries joining in it. Therefore, it is important to examine the treatment of trade restriction measures intended to solve climatic change in international negotiations and establish definite conditions about which measures are allowed and which are not. In conclusion, we should devise rules for environment protection internationally which all the countries in the world can accept and agree on and also make the definite criteria of interpretation as well. Also, through those trade regulations, we should be able to accomplish environment protection globally and at the same time produce synergy, that is, economic growth through trading.



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