로테르담규칙상 운송물 인도와 실무상 유의점

Practical Implications on Delivery of Goods under the Rotterdam Rules

  • 양정호 (전주대학교 물류무역학과)
  • 투고 : 2017.04.28
  • 심사 : 2017.05.14
  • 발행 : 2017.05.30


The Rotterdam Rules introduces new issues that have been ignored by previous international transport conventions. Among them, provisions on delivery of goods have been a much debated topic as it deviate from well established principles. Rotterdam Rules provides several alternatives in order to resolve uncertainty regarding delivery practice. The carrier have to make a resonable effort to deliver the goods following the required procedure which is different from transport document issued. Where the goods are not deliverable, the carrier could discharge from its obligations to deliver the goods when he deliver the goods by delivery instruction of shipper. In addition, he can take actions reasonably required according to circumstances if it is impossible to deliver the goods. These alternatives are not ideal, but they seem to be partly helping to solve practical problems arising in the process of delivery. However the delivery regime under the Rotterdam Rules could cause confusion in the traditional delivery principle. On the other hand, it puts a new burden on the parties concerned. In conclusion, the parties concerned should consider practical implications in issuing and transferring transport document as well as requesting and instructing delivery of goods.



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