Models and Experiments for the Main Topologies of MRC-WPT Systems

  • Yang, Mingbo (Department of Mechanical and Material Engineering, North China University of Technology) ;
  • Wang, Peng (Department of Mechanical and Material Engineering, North China University of Technology) ;
  • Guan, Yanzhi (Department of Mechanical and Material Engineering, North China University of Technology) ;
  • Yang, Zhenfeng (Department of Mechanical and Material Engineering, North China University of Technology)
  • Received : 2017.02.22
  • Accepted : 2017.07.13
  • Published : 2017.11.20


Models and experiments for magnetic resonance coupling wireless power transmission (MRC-WPT) topologies such as the chain topology and branch topology are studied in this paper. Coupling mode theory based energy resonance models are built for the two topologies. Complete energy resonance models including input items, loss coefficients, and coupling coefficients are built for the two topologies. The storage and the oscillation model of the resonant energy are built in the time domain. The effect of the excitation item, loss item, and coupling coefficients on MRC systems are provided in detail. By solving the energy oscillation time domain model, distance enhancing models are established for the chain topology, and energy relocating models are established for the branch topology. Under the assumption that there are no couplings between every other coil or between loads, the maximum transmission capacity conditions are found for the chain topology, and energy distribution models are established for the branch topology. A MRC-WPT experiment was carried out for the verification of the above model. The maximum transmission distance enhancement condition for the chain topology, and the energy allocation model for the branch topology were verified by experiments.



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