한국원자력연구원 파이로 안전조치 기술개발 현황

Status of Development of Pyroprocessing Safeguards at KAERI

  • 투고 : 2017.01.17
  • 심사 : 2017.07.14
  • 발행 : 2017.09.30


한국원자력연구원은 IAEA에서 권고하고 있는 안전조치기반설계(SBD)에 입각하여 파이로 안전조치 기술을 개발하고 있다. 한국원자력연구원은 파이로 안전조치접근방안 개발을 위한 IAEA 회원국지원프로그램(MSSP)을 수행하였다. IAEA 회원국 지원프로그램을 통하여 기준파이로시설(REPF) 개념을 설계하고, 이 시설에 대한 안전조치시스템을 개발하였다. 최근에 기준파이로시설은 용량이 증대된 REPF+로 업데이트 되고 있다. 핵물질계량관리시스템 성능평가를 위하여 전산코드 PYMUS를 개발하였으며, PYMUS는 전용탐지획률 통계평가 방안을 포함하여 업그레이드하고 있다. 파이로 입력물질 계량을 위한 비파괴분석장비로 ASNC가 개발되고 있으며, 파이로 출력물질인 U/TRU 잉곳을 계량하기위한 비파괴분석장비로 HIPAI가 개발되고 있다. 또한 컴프톤 억제 감마선분광기술, LIBS 기술, 균질화 공정의 샘플링 오차에 대한 평가도 진행 중이다. 이러한 노력들은 국내에서 선진핵주기기술 실현에 크게 기여할 것이다.

The Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) has developed a safeguards technology for pyroprocessing based on the Safeguards-By-Design (SBD) concept. KAERI took part in a Member-State Support Program (MSSP) to establish a pyroprocessing safeguards approach. A Reference Engineering-scale Pyroprocessing Facility (REPF) concept was designed on which KAERI developed its safeguards system. Recently the REPF is being upgraded to the REPF+, a scaled-up facility. For assessment of the nuclear-material accountancy (NMA) system, KAERI has developed a simulation program named Pyroprocessing Material Flow and MUF Uncertainty Simulation (PYMUS). The PYMUS is currently being upgraded to include a Near-Real-Time Accountancy (NRTA) statistical analysis function. The Advanced Spent Fuel Conditioning Process Safeguards Neutron Counter (ASNC) has been updated as Non-Destructive Assay (NDA) equipment for input-material accountancy, and a Hybrid Induced-fission-based Pu-Accounting Instrument (HIPAI) has been developed for the NMA of uranium/transuranic (U/TRU) ingots. Currently, performance testing of Compton-suppressed Gamma-ray measurement, Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), and homogenization sampling are underway. These efforts will provide an essential basis for the realization of an advanced nuclear-fuel cycle in the ROK.



  1. H. S. Shin, B. Y. Han, D. Y. Song, S. K. Ahn, S. H. Park, Y. P. Sitompul, and H. D. Kim, "A Study on the MUF Uncertainty Estimation for an Engineering-Scale Pyroprocessing Facility", Proc. of GLOBAL 2011, Paper No. 476495, Makuhari, Japan (2011).
  2. P. M. Rinard, H. O. Menlove, G. Bignan, H. Recroix, A. Lebrun, and B. Mitterrand, Application of Curium Measurements for Safeguarding at Large-Scale Reprocessing Plant, LA-UR-97-1449 (1997).
  3. N. Miura, and H. O. Menlove, The Use of Curium Neutrons to Verify Plutonium in Spent Fuel and Reprocessing Waste, LA-12774-MS (1994).
  4. H. S. Shin, B. Y. Han, S. K. Ahn, J. S. Seo, and H. D. Kim, "Development of a Simulation Program for the Pyroprocessing Material Flow and MUF Uncertainty", Proc. of INMM 52th, California, USA (2011).
  5. T.H. Lee, H.D. Kim, K.J. Jung, and S.W. Park, "Development of a Neutron Coincidence Counter for the Advanced Spent Fuel Conditioning Process", J. Korean Phys. Soc., 48(2), 218-221 (2006).
  6. T.H. Lee, H.D. Kim, J.S. Yoon, S.Y. Lee, M. Swinhoe, and H.O. Menlove, "Preliminary calibration of the ACP safeguards neutron counter", Nucl. Instr. Meth. A, 580, 1423-1427 (2007).
  7. T. H. Lee, H. O. Menlove, S. Y. Lee, and H. D. Kim, "Development of the ACP safeguards neutron counter for PWR spent fuel rods", Nucl. Instr. Meth. A, 589, 57-65 (2008).
  8. H. Seo, C. Lee, J.M. Oh, S.J. An, S.K. Ahn, S.H. Park, and J.H. Ku, "Monte Carlo Simulations of Safeguards Neutron Counter for Oxide Reduction Process Feed Material", J. Korean Phys. Soc., 69(7), 1175-1181 (2016).
  9. H. Seo, B.H. Won, S.K. Ahn, S.K. Lee, S.H. Park, G.I. Park, and S.H. Menlove, "Optimization of hybrid-type instrumentation for Pu accountancy of U/TRU ingot in pyroprocessing", Appl. Radiat. Isot., 108, 16-23 (2016).
  10. H. Seo, S.K. Lee, S.J. An, S.H. Park, J.H. Ku, H.O. Menlove, C.D. Rael, A.M. LaFleur, and M.C. Browne, "Development of prototype induced-fission-based Pu accountancy instrument for safeguards applications", Appl. Radiat. Isot., 115, 67-73 (2016).
  11. S.K. Lee, H. Seo, B.H. Won, C. Lee, H.S. Shin, S.H. Na, D.Y. Song, H.D. Kim, G.I. Park, and S.H. Park, "Measurement and Simulation of a Compton Suppression System for Safeguards Application", J. Korean Phys. Soc., 67(10), 1738-1743 (2015).
  12. J.E. Barefield II, S.M. Clegg, S.A. La Montagne, K.D. Veal, L. Le, and L. Lopez, "Development of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy instrumentation for Safeguards Application", Symposium on International Safeguards, IAEA-CN-184/134, IAEA, Vienna (2010).
  13. C. Lee, B. Kim, S. Na, S. Ahn, H. Seo, B. Won, S. Jeon, J. Ku, and S. Park, "Double Stage Homogenization for Input Nuclear Material Accountancy in Pyroprocessing", J. Nucl. Sci. Tech., submitted (2017).

피인용 문헌

  1. Basis for a Minimalistic Salt Treatment Approach for Pyroprocessing Commercial Nuclear Fuel vol.16, pp.1, 2018,