Sustainable Transportation Decision-Making Process with the Implementation of a Raster-Based SDSS - A Texas Urban Triangle (TUT) Case -

  • 김환용 (인천대학교 도시건축학부)
  • 투고 : 2017.03.02
  • 심사 : 2017.03.03
  • 발행 : 2017.06.30


Urban planning involves many different disciplines. In order for the related stakeholders to have better understanding and acceptable outcomes, planners are required to present a methodology that would properly reflect people's interest. In order to justify the demand and distribute people's interest, planners actively utilized the suitability analysis. Accordingly, a suitability analysis to find the optimal route for high-speed rail was performed in this paper. With ArcGIS and geographic data sets, simple map algebra could be used. The final product of this research was a map indicating the suitable routes for high-speed rail using the shortest path analysis.



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