Supported by : Korea Radiation Safety Foundation (KORSAFe), Nuclear Safety and Security Commission (NSSC)
Concerns about high radiation exposure to the hands of radiation workers who may contact with radioactive contamination on surfaces in a nuclear power plant (NPP) had been raised, and the Korean regulatory body required the extremity dose estimation during contact tasks with radioactive materials. Korean NPPs conducted field tests to identify the incident radiation to the hands of radiation workers who may contact with radioactive contamination during maintenance periods. The results showed that the radiation fields for contact tasks are dominated by high energy photons. It was also found that the radiation doses to the hands of radiation workers in Korean NPPs were much less than the annual dose limits for extremities. This approach can be applicable to measure and estimate the extremity dose to the hands of medical workers who handle the radioactive materials in a hospital.
Supported by : Korea Radiation Safety Foundation (KORSAFe), Nuclear Safety and Security Commission (NSSC)