2015 개정 초등수학 교과서 2학년 곱셈 단원 분석

A Study on the 2nd Grade Multiplication Units in 2015 revised Elementary Mathematics Textbooks

  • 투고 : 2017.06.13
  • 심사 : 2017.08.14
  • 발행 : 2017.08.31


The purpose of this study is to analyze the multiplication units in the elementary school mathematics. In the 2015 revised curriculum, students learn multiplication in $2^{nd}$ grade. The multiplication units is divided into two: multiplication and multiplication facts. In these two units, we mainly analyze situations involving multiplication, models for teaching multiplication, and multiplication strategies for teaching multiplication facts in relation to Subject Matter Knowledge. We called these contents Multiplication Matter Knowledge. We examined the precedent study with regard to multiplication at the elementary mathematics. As results, we prepared an analysis framework for this study. This study was conducted according to qualitative research methods, expecially 'qualitative contents analysis'. The contents here refer to Multiplication Matter Knowledge that can be found in the elementary mathematics textbooks and working books etc. As results of analysis, We can confirm that various multiplication situations and multiplication models are presented in the textbooks. And it has been examined that various multiplication properties are presented in the textbook according to the multiplication strategy levels. We insist elementary school teachers should be aware of these Multiplication Matter Knowledge. This study aims to provide elementary school teachers with basic data in these contexts.



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