Factors Influencing Social Adaptation of North Korean Defectors

북한이탈주민의 사회적응에 미치는 영향요인

  • Received : 2017.06.25
  • Accepted : 2017.08.08
  • Published : 2017.08.31


Purpose: The aim this study was to identify the factors that influence the social adjustment of North Korean defectors. The participants were 156 North Korean defectors over 20 years old residing in G and C cites. Methods: The data were collected from August 1 to October 31, 2014, and analyzed using the SPSS/WIN 21.0 program with one-way ANOVA, t-test, Pearson correlation coefficients and multiple stepwise regression. Results: The general characteristics, such as family, health status, and job, had a significant influence on social adjustment. The level of depression and anxiety was less than moderate and the levels of self-esteem, hope, and social adjustment were moderate. The correlations among depression, anxiety, self-esteem, hope, and social adjustment were significant. These variables showed an explanation rate 28% and self-esteem (${\beta}=.17$), depression (${\beta}=-.15$), anxiety (${\beta}=-.15$), hope (${\beta}=.14$), job (temporary)(${\beta}=-.10$), health status (bad)(${\beta}=-.07$), job (no)(${\beta}=-.04$) were statistically significant among the variables that influenced social adjustment. Conclusion: A program of nursing intervention is needed to care for the mental and physical health problems as well as social education to reduce the negative perception of North Korean defectors.



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