『역시만필』에 기록된 조선 후기 외감병 치료에 대한 소고 - 온병학적 관점에서 본 -

View on Treatment of Exogenous Disease in Yeoksimanpil in the Late Joseon Dynasty - from the Viewpoint of the Theory on Epidemic Febrile Disease -

  • 김상현 (한국한의학연구원 미병연구단)
  • Kim, Sang-Hyun (Mibyeong Research Center, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine)
  • 투고 : 2017.11.14
  • 심사 : 2017.11.29
  • 발행 : 2017.11.30


Objectives : This paper summarizes results from review of 36 cases and medical records extracted from Yeoksimanpil, involving treatment of exogenous disease in the last Joseon dynasty, and considers significance of treatment protocols. Methods : About 130 medical records from Yeoksimanpil related to exogenous disease were reviewed, and 36 cases were extracted for closer investigation. The author examined the characteristics of exogenous diseases treated in Yeoksimanpil during the Joseon dynasty, employing Yi Suki's theory about exogenous febrile disease, and analyzed the theory from the viewpoint of epidemic febrile disease (溫病學). Results : The majority of exogenous diseases recorded in Yeoksimanpil include Sanghan (傷寒); Seo (暑); Ryeohwan (厲患); and Hongjin (紅疹). Sanghan was found to be prevalent among the exogenous diseases, but diseases caused by warmth and epidemic are recognized separately from Sanghan. Yi Suki's theory about exogenous febrile disease is similar to the basic theory of modern epidemic febrile disease, although his theory was developed independently during the last Joseon dynasty. Conclusions : Although some exogenous diseases in Yeoksimanpil were recognized separately, Yi Suki did not specify each feature nor did he focus on each symptom. Instead, the author's research suggests that Yi Suki was able to identify and treat a variety of various exogenous diseases due to his accumulation of medical knowledge and skill.



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