HS-Sign: A Security Enhanced UOV Signature Scheme Based on Hyper-Sphere

  • Chen, Jiahui (School of Computer Science & Engineering,South China University of Technology) ;
  • Tang, Shaohua (School of Computer Science & Engineering,South China University of Technology) ;
  • Zhang, Xinglin (School of Computer Science & Engineering,South China University of Technology)
  • Received : 2016.12.07
  • Accepted : 2017.03.29
  • Published : 2017.06.30


For "generic" multivariate public key cryptography (MPKC) systems, experts believe that the Unbalanced Oil-Vinegar (UOV) scheme is a feasible signature scheme with good efficiency and acceptable security. In this paper, we address two problems that are to find inversion solution of quadratic multivariate equations and find another structure with some random Oil-Oil terms for UOV, then propose a novel signature scheme based on hyper-sphere (HS-Sign for short) which directly answers these two problems. HS-Sign is characterized by its adding Oil-Oil terms and more advantages compared to UOV. On the one side, HS-Sign is based on a new inversion algorithm from hyper-sphere over finite field, and is shown to be a more secure UOV-like scheme. More precisely, according to the security analysis, HS-Sign achieves higher security level, so that it has larger security parameters choice ranges. On the other side, HS-Sign is beneficial from both the key side and computing complexity under the same security level compared to many baseline schemes. To further support our view, we have implemented 5 different attack experiments for the security analysis and we make comparison of our new scheme and the baseline schemes with simulation programs so as to show the efficiencies. The results show that HS-Sign has exponential attack complexity and HS-Sign is competitive with other signature schemes in terms of the length of the message, length of the signature, size of the public key, size of the secret key, signing time and verification time.



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