Phonological processes of vowels in pronounced phrasal words of the Seoul Corpus by gender and age groups

서울코퍼스의 성별·연령 집단별 말 어절 모음에 나타난 음운변동

  • Received : 2017.04.27
  • Accepted : 2017.06.13
  • Published : 2017.06.30


This paper investigated the phonological processes of monophthongs and diphthongs in pronounced phrasal words of the Seoul Corpus by gender and age groups in order to provide linguists and phoneticians with a clearer understanding of the spoken Korean. Both orthographic and pronounced phrasal words were extracted from the transcribed label scripts of the Corpus using Praat. Then, phonological processes of monophthongs and diphthongs were tabulated using an R script after syllabifying the phrasal words into separate components. Results revealed that 97% of the number of syllables in the orthographic and pronounced phrasal words were the same while 65.8% showed difference in the syllable structure. 90.5% of the vowels in the orthographic phrasal words were realized in the pronounced phrasal words. A Chi-square test of independence was performed to obtain a significant dependence in the distribution of phonological process types of male and female groups along with a very strong correlation. Female group changed the diphthong yo into yv at the end of the pronounced phrasal words more often than the male group did. Age groups also showed a significant dependence in the distribution of phonological process types along with a very strong correlation. Females in the 40s produced the diphthong yv and made the vowel raising at the end of the pronounced phrasal words most often among the gender and age groups. From the results, this paper concludes that an analysis of phonological processes in light of syllable structure can contribute greatly to the understanding of the spoken Korean.



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