A Discrete-Time Nonlinear Robust Controller for Current Regulation in PMSM Drives

  • Turker, Turker (Dept. of Control & Automation Eng., Yildiz Technical University) ;
  • Yanik, Gurcan (Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Yildiz Technical University) ;
  • Buyukkeles, Umit (Defence System Technologies, ASELSAN Inc.) ;
  • Bakan, Faruk (Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Yildiz Technical University) ;
  • Mese, Erkan (Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Eng., Ege University)
  • Received : 2016.07.14
  • Accepted : 2017.05.02
  • Published : 2017.07.01


In this paper, a discrete-time robust current controller is proposed for PMSM drives. The structure of the proposed controller is quite simple and does not require high computational resource. The only difference of the proposed controller from the classical dead-beat controller is the integral term which can easily be implemented in a PMSM drive. The stability analysis of the proposed controller is performed accounting in parametric uncertainties, unmodelled dynamics and disturbances in the mathematical model. The boundedness of the dynamical system and asymptotic convergence of dq-axes currents to their reference values are provided under certain conditions. Various simulation and experimental studies are performed and the results taken at different operation conditions show the validity of the proposed controller.



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