A Study on Setting Methods of Economic Level of Leakage in Water Pipe Networks

상수도 관망에서의 경제적인 누수관리목표 산정 방안 연구

  • Received : 2017.05.10
  • Accepted : 2017.06.12
  • Published : 2017.06.15


The estimation method of economical leakage management target utilized upon planning business for improvement of revenue water ratio in South Korea is presented and applicability of methods developed in this study is assessed through application on site. With a consideration of revenue water ratio in application target area, estimation method of long-term economical leakage management target is applied. Three leakage reduction methods such as replacement of residual aged pipe, leakage investigation and restoration and water pressure management are applied with a consideration of characteristics of site. Due to difficulty of obtaining data, analysis of cost/benefit by leakage reduction methods is performed by applying method of leakages estimation equation among statistical methods. As a result of application, revenue water ratio corresponding to long-term economical leakage management target is 91.6 %.



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