A comparative study on the language of food related to rice and wheat in East Asia

동아시아의 쌀과 밀 관련 식품의 언어 비교

  • Han, Sungwoo (Department of Korean Language and Literature, Inha University)
  • 한성우 (인하대학교 한국어문학과)
  • Received : 2017.03.31
  • Accepted : 2017.05.31
  • Published : 2017.06.30


This paper aims to compare the language of food related to rice and wheat in Korean, Chinese and Japanese. These three countries in East Asia are very close in terms of geography, history, and culture. As of language, Korean and Japanese are classified as a same language family, while Chinese, to another. However, since three countries have been sharing Chinese character and words composed of it, there are many alike things in their languages. It is natural that food and the language of food are shared in neighboring areas. Among many food, I will explain the names of rice and wheat and the details of the names of various food made of them. In particular, rather than a simple comparison, the language of food is analyzed in the viewpoint of migration. And I will look into the names of food not only in relation to language, but also in culture, society and history.



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