공과대학생의 팀워크 역량과 사고양식의 관계

Relationships between Teamwork Skills and Thinking Styles in Engineering Students

  • Hwang, Soonhee (Department of Liberal Arts and Science, Hongik University)
  • 투고 : 2017.01.10
  • 심사 : 2017.03.20
  • 발행 : 2017.03.30


This research aims to explore the relationships between 'teamwork skills' (often called team activity competence) and 'thinking styles' of engineering students in Korea, and to provide an explanation for the application of team-based environment as well as for the increase of teamwork skills. Teams and team activity are pervasive in today's organization and there has been relatively much research on teamwork skills and its related factors. However, to date, little attention has been paid to the teamwork skills, essential factor in team-based environment and its relationships with thinking styles. This study was conducted with 383 engineering students at P University, and students' teamwork skills as well as thinking styles have been measured before and after team-based learning class (hereafter TBL). Our findings show that firstly, there was a significant increase of teamwork skills between before and after TBL class. Second, team activity competence was found to have a higher correlation with most of creativity generating styles (i.e. legislative, judicial, hierarchical and global styles). Third, hierarchical style was found to influence team activity more than other components, and also legislative, external, global and judicial styles contributed to team-based activity. These findings are expected to provide an explanation for the application of thinking styles in team-based environment and will be useful for the improvement of related courses in engineering school.



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