Application of Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry to Heterogeneous Reactions of OH with Aerosols of Tropospheric Interest

  • Park, Jong-Ho (Nuclear Chemistry Research Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
  • 투고 : 2017.03.07
  • 심사 : 2017.03.20
  • 발행 : 2017.03.30


Studies performed on heterogeneous reactions of hydroxyl radicals (OH) in aerosol materials of tropospheric interest are presented, focusing on the chemical ionization mass spectrometric approach. Kinetic investigations of these reactions reduced deviation in the estimation of OH concentration in the troposphere by atmospheric modeling from field measurements. Recently, OH uptake was investigated under wet conditions to acquire kinetic information under more realistic conditions representative of the troposphere. The information on the mechanism and kinetics of OH uptake by tropospheric aerosol materials will contribute to the updating of atmospheric models, allowing a better understanding of the troposphere.



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