Exploring Online Learning Profiles of In-service Teachers in a Professional Development Course

  • 투고 : 2017.09.06
  • 심사 : 2017.09.25
  • 발행 : 2017.10.30


This study aimed to explore online learning profiles of in-service teachers in South Korea, focusing on video lecture and discussion activities. A total of 269 teachers took an online professional development course for 14 days, using an online learning platform from which web log data were collected. The data showed the frequency of participation and the initial participation time, which was closely related to procrastinating behaviors. A cluster analysis revealed three online learning profiles of in-service teachers: procrastinating (n=42), passive interaction (n=136), and active learning (n=91) clusters. The active learning cluster showed high-level participation in both video lecture and discussion activities from the beginning of the online course, whereas the procrastinating cluster was seldom engaged in learning activities for the first half of the learning period. The passive interaction cluster was actively engaged in watching video lectures from the beginning of the online course but passively participated in discussion activities. As a result, the active learning cluster outperformed the passive interaction cluster in learning achievements. The findings were discussed in regard to how to improve online learning environments through considering online learning profiles of in-service teachers.



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