Particle tracking acceleration via signed distance fields in direct-accelerated geometry Monte Carlo

  • Shriwise, Patrick C. (CNERG Research Group, University of Wisconsin - Madison) ;
  • Davis, Andrew (CNERG Research Group, University of Wisconsin - Madison) ;
  • Jacobson, Lucas J. (CNERG Research Group, University of Wisconsin - Madison) ;
  • Wilson, Paul P.H. (CNERG Research Group, University of Wisconsin - Madison)
  • 투고 : 2017.06.03
  • 심사 : 2017.08.07
  • 발행 : 2017.09.25


Computer-aided design (CAD)-based Monte Carlo radiation transport is of value to the nuclear engineering community for its ability to conduct transport on high-fidelity models of nuclear systems, but it is more computationally expensive than native geometry representations. This work describes the adaptation of a rendering data structure, the signed distance field, as a geometric query tool for accelerating CAD-based transport in the direct-accelerated geometry Monte Carlo toolkit. Demonstrations of its effectiveness are shown for several problems. The beginnings of a predictive model for the data structure's utilization based on various problem parameters is also introduced.



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