농촌지역사회 공동체의식 유형별 지역사회활동 참여 특성분석

Characteristics of Community Participation According to Types of Sense of Community - Case of Pyeongtaek in Gyeonggi Province -

  • 임광명 (평택대학교 피어선칼리지)
  • 투고 : 2017.10.15
  • 심사 : 2017.12.05
  • 발행 : 2017.12.30


A rural community has distinct regional characteristics. It preserves the traditionality relatively and its residents live long in the community. Therefore, a rural community forms the sense of community which differs from that of the city and the participation factors affecting the sense of community also may appear differently. This study aims to examine the characteristics of community participation according to types of sense of community by using a segmentation approach. Through a self-administered survey, data was collected from 130 rural community residents in Pyeongtaek. As for the sense of community of rural community residents, two segments which are high level of sense of community and low level of sense of community were deduced. According to the types of sense of community, the difference of each segmentation was analyzed :Socio-demographic characteristics and community participation activities. The findings significantly will be used to make the way to build up the sense of community in rural.



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피인용 문헌

  1. 농촌지역주민 공동체의식의 지역사회참여 영향요인 - 거주기간의 조절효과 - vol.25, pp.3, 2017,