Quality Characteristics of Cookies containing Mulberry Leaf (Morus alba Linne) Powder

뽕잎 분말을 첨가한 쿠키의 품질특성

  • Park, In-Duck (Department of Foodservice Culinary, Chodang University)
  • 박인덕 (초당대학교 외식조리창업학과)
  • Received : 2017.08.24
  • Accepted : 2017.12.19
  • Published : 2017.12.31


This study examined the quality characteristics of cookies prepared with mulberry leaf powder (0, 1, 3, 5, and 7%) substituted for flour. The pH of the cookie dough decreased significantly in response to the addition of all levels of mulberry leaf powder. The spread factor of the cookies also increased significantly with increasing mulberry leaf powder content added to the cookies recipe. In addition, the Hunter's color L and a values decreased significantly with increasing mulberry leaf powder content, whereas the b value increased. According to hardness measurements, the substitution of 1~7% mulberry leaf powder resulted in increased hardness compared to the control. Moreover, the DPPH free radical scavenging activity of the cookies was increased significantly (p<0.05) with increasing levels of mulberry leaf powder. The sensory evaluation revealed cookies containing 3% to have the highest scores.



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