국제기술이전계약에서의 산업보안에 관한 연구

The Industrial Security along with the International Transfer of Technology

  • 서정두 (호원대학교 무역경영학부)
  • 투고 : 2017.11.01
  • 심사 : 2017.12.15
  • 발행 : 2017.12.31


The industrial technology (including trade secrets), which is commonly understood as systematic and applied technical knowledge, can be transferred to third parties by contracting for the transfer of technology or by granting of a licence. The activity of industrial espionage, due to the gradual increase of the economic interests of intellectual property, is displaying intensively in order to gain advanced technology information. With our outstanding high technology, but compared to the level of the advanced countries, the technical protection systems, the legal protection measures and the systematic management thereof may still be insufficient. Our industrial technology outflow abroad, due to the vulnerability to the security control system in our country, has been increasing since the 2000. Computer software and SNS, such as smart devices, appear as a rapid change in the technical information environment. In order to minimize the dead zone of a new industrial security, the country's organic activity is being conducted. In 2006, Industrial Technology Outflow Prevention and Protection Law was enacted, which emphasized the responsibilities of the country. In this paper for the economic entity's efforts to prevent technology leakage oversea, I have looked to how the industrial technology can be protected in terms of national security and economic benefits of our enterprises. To solve the above-mentioned problems hereof, Korean government should willingly establish a reliable legal system for supporting to enterprise's operations, and Korean companies should autonomously introduce a synthetic technology protection system and incorporate the confidentiality clauses in an international transfer of technology agreement with third parties.



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