New Guidance Filter Structure for Homing Missiles with Strapdown IIR Seeker

  • Received : 2017.08.31
  • Accepted : 2017.11.28
  • Published : 2017.12.30


For implementing the proportional navigation guidance law on passive homing missiles equipped with strapdown imaging infrared seekers, the line-of-sight angles and rates with respect to the inertial frame should be estimated by carefully handling the parasitic instability effect due to the seeker's latency. By introducing a new state vector representation along with the Pade approximation for compensating the time-delay of the seeker, this paper proposes a new guidance filter structure, stochastic dynamic models and measurement equations, in three-dimensional homing problem. Then, it derives the line-of-sight angle and rate estimator in general two-dimensional engagement by applying the extended Kalman filter to the proposed structure. The estimation performance and the characteristics of the proposed filter were evaluated via a series of numerical experiments.



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Cited by

  1. Study on Parasite Effect with Strapdown Seeker in Consideration of Time Delay pp.1533-3884, 2019,