대학생의 기본심리욕구 및 스마트폰 중독과 대학생활적응과의 관계

Relationship among Basic Psychological Needs, Smartphone Addiction and Adaptation to School Life in University Students

  • 권명순 (한림대학교 간호학부) ;
  • 이보영 (한림성심대학교 간호학과)
  • 투고 : 2017.11.09
  • 심사 : 2017.12.21
  • 발행 : 2017.12.31


Purpose: This study was conducted to evaluate the relationship among university students' basic psychological needs, smartphone addiction and degree of adaptation to their university life, as well as to investigate the factors affecting their adaptation to university life. Methods: This study was conducted from May through July in 2017 for 235 university freshmen. Data were analyzed by frequency, t-test, ANOVA, and stepwise multiple regression. Results: The study showed that the group living in the dormitory or other places rather than living with family and satisfying in family life [ED highlight - please clarify this, I cannot infer your intended meaning; however, this text can likely be deleted.] adapted easily to university life. Moreover, adaptation to university life was negatively correlated with smartphone addiction, but positively correlated with basic psychological needs. Consequently, these results confirmed that residence type, satisfaction with family life, smartphone addiction and basic psychological needs were the factors having the greatest influence on university life. Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it is necessary to lead students to participate in programs that can meet basic psychological needs or prevent smartphone addiction to help university freshmen adapt to university life.



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