전략물자 무역 리스크 관리 방안에 대한 연구

A Study on the Risk Management of Strategic Materials

  • 이경령 (전략물자관리원) ;
  • 이승택 (원광대학교 경영대학 국제통상학부)
  • 투고 : 2016.11.22
  • 심사 : 2016.12.17
  • 발행 : 2016.12.31


Trade can be greatly influenced by the change of international trade environment due to the characteristics of remote transactions. Furthermore, in the circumstance of emphasizing the national security again, the importance of the risk management of special materials has been increasing. As it was noted at Chapter 4, significant results such as the threat of enterprises' sustainable growth can be occurred when companies are related to the unlawful export of strategic materials or experience discouragement of export of main products. As the decision of strategic materials greatly depend on a specialized knowledge there is a possibility of misjudgement of strategic materials in terms of ordinary companies which is not accustomed to them. Furthermore risk management is more difficult due to the inclusion to the items of export license. To prepare such a risk of export of strategic materials, firstly, it should be checked to find whether counter traders are working in the industry which is not related to the spread of weapons of mass destruction, secondly, an appropriate process shall be designed and operated for products to be safely delivered to the trade counter. Therefore, our export enterprises have to introduce CP(Compliance Program), AEO or ISO28000 considering suitability for their actual situations not only to promote export and but also to avoid risk of export control and additional expenses. Through these appropriate processes, an efficient and effective management of the trade risk of strategic materials can be accomplished.



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