A Comparison Study on the Engine Performance Test Regulation of Two-wheeled Vehicles between EU and Korea

유럽과 한국의 이륜차 엔진 성능 시험 규정에 대한 비교 연구

  • 이광구 (경일대학교 기계자동차학부) ;
  • 용기중 (경일대학교 기계자동차학부)
  • Received : 2016.04.06
  • Accepted : 2016.09.28
  • Published : 2016.09.30


As a preliminary research to provide amendment for the engine performance test regulation of two-wheeled vehicles, the engine performance data are investigated in terms of maximum torque, rated power, and engine speed of motorcycles on sales in Korean market. Based on the engine performance database officially published to consumers, some forecasted problems are discussed when the maximum torque and the rated power are measured under the present test standards. EU and Korea regulations on engine performance test are carefully compared in terms of the accuracy of measurement devices, test procedures including data acquisition method, and allowable range of rated power measurement. Complementary items are discussed to eliminate ambiguities in the present regulation and to construct rational regulation system.



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