갓김치(Brassica juncea) 숙성 중 영양성분 및 이화학적 특성 변화

Changes in Nutritional Composition and Physicochemical Properties of Mustard Leaf (Brassica juncea) Kimchi during Fermentation

  • 장혜림 (수원여자대학교 식품분석연구센터) ;
  • 박서연 (수원여자대학교 식품분석연구센터) ;
  • 이종헌 (수원여자대학교 식품분석연구센터) ;
  • 황명진 (수원여자대학교 식품분석연구센터) ;
  • 최용민 (농촌진흥청 국립농업과학원) ;
  • 김행란 (농촌진흥청 국립농업과학원) ;
  • 황진봉 (한국식품연구원) ;
  • 서동원 (한국식품연구원) ;
  • 김상희 (한국식품연구원) ;
  • 남진식 (수원여자대학교 식품분석연구센터)
  • 투고 : 2016.08.05
  • 심사 : 2016.10.12
  • 발행 : 2016.10.31


Nutritional composition and physicochemical properties changes in mustard leaf kimchi were investigated during fermentation of up to 3 months. The pH decreased, and the titratable acidity gradually increased according to increase of fermentation periods. Fructose and glucose were the major free sugars in mustard leaf kimchi, and their amounts were significantly decreased with fermentation periods (p<0.05). Lactic acid content showed a significant increase with maximum increase at 3 months. All types of kimchi contained 20 amino acids, but the content of most amino acid fluctuated during fermentation. Except for K and Zn, the content of other ingredients including Ca, Fe, Mg, Na, Se were the highest in kimchi fermented for 2 months. The unsaturated fatty acid of mustard leaf kimchi was higher than that of saturated fatty acid, and total fatty acid of kimchi significantly decreased after 2 months (p<0.05). Most vitamin contents showed a tendency to decrease with fermentation, in particular, vitamin B complex except for $B_2$ significantly decreased after 3 months (p<0.05). The results provide fundamental data for determining the appropriate fermentation period to improve the quality of kimchi.



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