• Cho, Dong Hyun (Department of Mathematics Kyonggi University) ;
  • Yoo, Il (Department of Mathematics Yonsei University)
  • 투고 : 2015.09.30
  • 발행 : 2016.09.30


Let C[0, t] denote the space of real-valued continuous functions on [0, t] and define a random vector $Z_n:C[0,t]{\rightarrow}\mathbb{R}^n$ by $Z_n(x)=(\int_{0}^{t_1}h(s)dx(s),{\ldots},\int_{0}^{t_n}h(s)dx(s))$, where 0 < $t_1$ < ${\cdots}$ < $ t_n=t$ is a partition of [0, t] and $h{\in}L_2[0,t]$ with $h{\neq}0$ a.e. Using a simple formula for a conditional expectation on C[0, t] with $Z_n$, we evaluate a generalized analytic conditional Wiener integral of the function $G_r(x)=F(x){\Psi}(\int_{0}^{t}v_1(s)dx(s),{\ldots},\int_{0}^{t}v_r(s)dx(s))$ for F in a Banach algebra and for ${\Psi}=f+{\phi}$ which need not be bounded or continuous, where $f{\in}L_p(\mathbb{R}^r)(1{\leq}p{\leq}{\infty})$, {$v_1,{\ldots},v_r$} is an orthonormal subset of $L_2[0,t]$ and ${\phi}$ is the Fourier transform of a measure of bounded variation over $\mathbb{R}^r$. Finally we establish various change of scale transformations for the generalized analytic conditional Wiener integrals of $G_r$ with the conditioning function $Z_n$.



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피인용 문헌

  1. A Conditional Fourier-Feynman Transform and Conditional Convolution Product with Change of Scales on a Function Space II vol.2017, 2017,