A Study on Customs Clearance Procedure of Korea and China to Vitalize Online Export of Korean

중국 통관제도 개편에 따른 해외직판 활성화 방안

  • Received : 2016.05.10
  • Accepted : 2016.05.27
  • Published : 2016.05.30


Globalization of consumption, expansion of cross border e-trade, increase use of internet and mobile have led to rapid growth of world e-commerce particularly in Asia and emerging markets. Impacted by Korean wave, online export is continuously increasing, yet Korea is experiencing severe e-commerce trade imbalance. Export growth rate and ratio of Korean small companies are relatively low from OECD member countries. Therefore, Korean government is currently emphasizing on vitalization of online export to China to resolve trade imbalance and to increase export of small companies. To propose detail measures to vitalize online export to China, this study is focused on export customs clearance procedure of Korea and import customs clearance procedure of China in view of online export company. Also suggested countermeasure plan and analysis for the new tax revision plan related to e-commerce which implemented on April 8th 2016. This study have grouped countermeasure plan by short term plan of firms and long term plan of the government. As for the short-term countermeasure plan for firms, first, comparison analysis of tax rate on products is need to decide type of e-commerce strategy; second, if planning to start e-commerce business to China, sales possibility and certification check is necessary; third, through preparation of customs clearance document is needed; last in order to obtain price competitiveness, new logistics strategy and packing development is required. As for the long-term countermeasure plan for the government, I have suggested cooperated bonded logistics service for small businesses and operation plan of show room for promising Korean products.



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