동북아 무역 허브항으로서 평택항 활성화 방안에 관한 연구 - 중·일 항만관리를 중심으로 -

Study on the Promotion Plan of Pyeongtaek Port as the Hub in North East Asia - Focusing on Port Management of China and Japan -

  • 투고 : 2016.05.15
  • 심사 : 2016.05.27
  • 발행 : 2016.05.30


As China, the world's work shop was transformed into consumption market intermediary products and expensive consumer goods are more in highly demand recently. These will tend to diffuse especially to the west coastal cities of China. The economic growth of China needs to develop hub port facilities more and more in these days. We don't need to explain value of hub port in international trade. Furthermore If we are to retain access convenience of merchant vessel we really must maintain hub ports in Korea. This paper aims to vitalize Pyeongtaek port in times of the Pan Yellow Sea in readiness for an increase of trade between Korean, China, and Japan absorbing economic effects. The Rise of China leads to increase of trade of Korea that make necessary to develop a big and wide port to Pan Yellow Sea times. There is a lot of competition to be a hub port to become a center of international trade in the Pan Yellow Sea market. We need to improve the surrounding environment or facilities and industry clusters flexibly of Pyeongtaek port. It will guide to cost cutting and to raise business efficiency. Ultimately Pyeongtaek port should maintain and make advance its competitiveness especially in the Pan Yellow Sea times.



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