중년 여성의 젊음추구와 미디어 외모정보관심, 미디어 접촉반응의 관계 -실제연령과 인지연령의 영향력 분석-

The Relation of Youth-pursuing, Media Appearance Information Interest, and Media Contact Response of Middle-aged Women -Influence of Chronological Age and Cognitive Age-

  • 투고 : 2015.10.06
  • 심사 : 2016.01.27
  • 발행 : 2016.08.31


The youth-pursing syndrome is especially amplified through a variety of media due to medical technology development, increases in social activities, and influence. This study discusses the relationship of youth-pursuing, media appearance information interest, and media contact responses focused middle-aged women. Data were collected from 245 females aged 40-65 in Seoul, Daejeon and Chungbuk area residents. The SPSS WIN 21.0 program analyzed the data by descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and regression analysis. Youth-pursuing derived social, psychological, and outward factors. Only an outward factor of these three dimensions influenced a significant media appearance information interest, and media contact response. The regression analysis results for chronological age and cognitive age, cognitive age influenced all variables significantly (three factors of youth-pursuing, media appearance information interest, and media contact response). But chronological age influenced significantly only the media appearance information interest. This study verified the relationship of youth-pursuing and media variables (media appearance information interest and media contact response).



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