비심리적 처치프로그램에 의한 고등학생 수학불안집단 간의 뇌파 연구

A Brain-based Study with Two Groups of High Math Anxiety and Low Math Anxiety through the Non-psychological Remedy Program of Functional Tasks

  • 투고 : 2016.02.18
  • 심사 : 2016.08.26
  • 발행 : 2016.08.31


This study investigated highschool students' brain waves on functional tasks such as a transition(F task) from equation to graph and the other transition(G task) vice versa. A total of 39 students participated in the study who attended a high school located in Gyunggi province. These students were divided into two groups, HMA and LMA by MASS test revised by Ko, & Yi (2012). The functional tasks for the stroop task to measure EEG were provided from a previous study, Seok(2015). The results indicated two groups on G tasks showed deeper and wider brain waves which demonstrated G tasks were more difficult than F tasks. However, HMA group had an effect of the non-psychological program which had given more chances on G tasks rather than F tasks within Students' Zone of Proximal Development. Also, HMA group's brain waves had more ranges in amplitude and width of waves. These results imply that the characteristics of students' brain waves with math anxiety are consistent to the previous studies.



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피인용 문헌

  1. The Correction Rate and The Reaction Time of Math Anxiety Groups and Math Achievement Groups through Visual Tasks of Arithmetic and Function vol.29, pp.3, 2016,