천연물 신약 특허 동향 분석

An analysis of natural products patents

  • 한유진 (숙명여자대학교 글로벌서비스학부) ;
  • 박선주 (대전대학교 한의과대학 예방의학교실)
  • Han, Yoo-Jin (School of Global Service, Sookmyung Women's University) ;
  • Park, Sunju (Department of Preventive Medicine, College of Korean Medicine, Daejeon University)
  • 투고 : 2016.07.19
  • 심사 : 2016.07.26
  • 발행 : 2016.08.31


Objectives : This study aims to investigate the current situation of domestic patents in Korea on natural products and to provide directions for developing and applying herbal medicinal products by in-depth analyses. Methods : Combinations of words, such as "A61K" or "A61P", "herb" or "Korean medicinal herb" or "Korean medicine" or "traditional" or "natural" or "$botanic^*$" or "China", and "medicine" or "treatment" or "prevention" or "improvement", were used to search patents in the World Intellectual Property Service (WIPS) database. Three methods were applied to analyze natural products patents. First, the number of patent registrations was sorted by year. Second, the assignees were analyzed by count and country of origin. Finally, cluster map analysis was conducted to explore frequently emerging words in natural products and the relationship amongst those words to treat corresponding diseases/technologies. Results : Results showed that, first, the total number of patents had been increasing. Among the patents, 76.4% were registered by domestic institutes/companies, and 23.6% by foreign institutes/companies. Second, USA, Japan, and China possess a considerable number of Korean patents and, therefore, domestic institutes/companies can seek joint technological development opportunities with their counterparts from those countries in the future. Finally, a total of four clusters were identified by cluster map analysis. Each of the clusters includes natural products related to diseases involving skin, aging, and blood sugar, as well as adult diseases. Conclusions : In this study, natural products patents registered in the Korean Intellectual Property Office were analyzed. The analyses results showed the kinds of natural products that had been employed for the treatment of certain diseases. However, natural products included in existing patents were minimal given that 4,174 species of indigenous plants are found in Korea. Thus, Korean institutes/companies should utilize unexplored plants to develop more value-added drugs.



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