The purpose of this study is to analyze middle and high school technology teachers' recognition and educational need about engineering education. For this, we surveyed secondary school technology teachers. The result of this study is as follow. First, most technology teachers perceive that engineering contents are lack in technology education, therefore they recognize the needs of reinforcement of engineering contents. Second, most technology teachers perceive that present technology subject does not give positive affect to students for their own career selection on engineering field. Furthermore, they perceive that if it contained the contents of engineering in technology education, students would experience creative design and problem solving process. Third, most technology teachers perceive that they are able to teach engineering in technology education and they need the change of national curriculum and the development of engineering program contents. Fourth, they perceive that the 7~9 grade is the best grade to start to study engineering in elementary and secondary school. Fifth, they perceive that 'design', 'problem solving' and 'creative thinking' are the priority of educational needs of teaching ability and knowledge about engineering. Sixth, they perceive that the aerospace engineering, the electrical engineering, the electronic engineering, the mechanical engineering, the computer engineering and the environmental engineering are the priority of educational needs of teaching knowledge about engineering fields.